The United States is a land governed by a plethora of upstanding laws. Most of them have their place and serve a functional purpose in maintaining law, order, and safety.
Some, on the other hand, are a little bizarre, yet they have remained in effect to this day. North Carolina is one such state that bears many a strange law.
While they may not be heavily enforced or even widely known, they have all served some type of meaningful purpose throughout their history.
Fascinated by these weird laws in North Carolina? Check out the rest of this blog for more.
Weird Laws in North Carolina That Are Still Enforceable Today
If you live in the state of North Carolina (NC), perhaps you’re already familiar with a few of these laws.
If not, then there’s no time like the present to brush on your knowledge in case you’re ever detained and don’t know what you did wrong:
1. You Cannot Legally Borrow Your Neighbor’s Dog
In the state of NC, it’s illegal to take your neighbor’s dog, horse, gelding, mare, or mule without them knowing. If they are aware of it, but you take any of the above-mentioned animals against your neighbor’s will, this is also illegal.
Even if your intention is to take the animal for temporary purposes and then return it, this is offense is a Class 2 misdemeanor.
2. It’s Illegal to Steal Kitchen Grease
In case you had the inclination to sneak into the back of a restaurant kitchen and steal a vat of grease, you should know this is illegal in NC.
As the law states, you cannot take or carry away any container of waste kitchen grease without consent. This is a Class H felony. However, the value of the kitchen grease must total $1,000 or more in order to qualify as a felony.
You will face a Class 1 misdemeanor if the grease is valued at $1,000 or less.
3. Oral Sex Is Considered a Crime Against Nature
While oral sex is not completely illegal, it is still considered a crime against nature.
The law states that performing oral sex on another person or animal in North Carolina rates as a Class 1 felony.
4. You Cannot Legally Host an Organized Meeting Wearing a Mask
The next time you host an organized meeting, whether it’s with friends or colleagues, you should know that it’s illegal to do so wearing masks or hoods.
If you are over the age of 16, your face must be clearly visible, as well as your voice when participating in an organized meeting. You cannot wear anything with the intention to disguise your identity in any way.
This also includes organized demonstrations in the state of NC.
5. It’s Illegal for Unmarried Couples to Have Sex in a Hotel Room
The intention of this law is to prohibit unlawful and immoral sexual encounters between the opposite sexes.
It states that unmarried members of the opposite sex cannot legally have sex in a hotel room, and cannot falsely register as husband and wife, either.
This law is not only limited to hotels, specifically, but also public inns, and boarding houses. It’s classified as a Class 2 misdemeanor.
6. Sniffing Glue Could Land You in Legal Trouble
This law intends to curb the use of glue as a recreational ”drug”. This means it’s illegal to sniff glue with the intention of causing intoxication, euphoria, excitement, or stupefaction.
This law relates specifically to model glue used in the construction of model boats, airplanes, etc. If the glue contains chemicals that release toxic vapors, you could be arrested for purposefully inhaling it.
7. Alcohol Cannot Be Served While Playing Bingo
This law relates to gambling in public places of entertainment. So if you are the owner of an establishment that serves alcohol, it’s illegal to host any game that includes gambling, such as bingo.
Hosting any form of gambling, while serving alcohol, opens you up for a Class 2 misdemeanor charge. In the case of bingo, specifically, no game must exceed a period of five hours in a public space, either.
8. It’s Illegal to Trade as a Professional Psychic
The state of North Carolina prohibits you from trading or operating as a professional psychic or professional fortune-teller.
However, you are still able to trade or practice readings as a novice, without restriction. But as soon as you register as a ”professional” this is classed as illegal in this state.
9. By Law, You Must Pay Taxes on the Illicit Drugs You Deal
This law relates to an excise tax on unauthorized substances. That’s right, even drug dealers have to pay their taxes in North Carolina, even if their profession is illegal.
Basically, an excise tax levy applies to all controlled substances, whether it’s in your possession or you have already sold it.
The tax rate for certain substances such as marijuana stems and stalks is 40c per gram. The tax rate for cocaine is $50, per gram. While the tax rate for any other schedule one drug is $200 per gram.
10. Stay off the Sidewalk and State Highway
So perhaps these laws aren’t that strange and make sense in terms of safety. But in North Carolina, it’s illegal to drive on a sidewalk. So the next time you think about mounting the curb — remember that you could be arrested for this simple act.
Another road-related law is that it’s illegal to rollerblade on a state highway. Again, this law is a little unusual but makes sense from a safety point-of-view.
Found Yourself in Trouble With the Law?
You never know when one of these weird laws in North Carolina could completely catch you off-guard. That’s why it’s important to stay informed and know your legal rights when it comes to the law.
If you or a loved one has landed in a spot of trouble with the law and need bail bond help, Charlotte Bail Bonds is your go-to.
With over 40-years’ combined experience, we can guarantee your autonomy while awaiting your next trial date. Learn more about our bail bond service, here.